Distribution means sharing with people everything we have.
When this activity was born, LSWB was primarily distributing food and clothes to women and children, especially during the cold seasons.
As Love and Serve Without Boundaries became more popular in Athens and around the world, mainly thanks to our constant activities and also through our Facebook page, many donors started to support the NGO with different kinds of donations.
These now include food, clothes, hygiene products, baby carriages, books, notebooks, chairs, home furniture, sleeping bags and so on. Every other week, LSWB organises two distribution days, during which we equally give people everything we receive.
As the number of people coming to our center asking for support grew, we started to register every family, who now has a card to show everytime we organise distribution activities.
This system has been necessary for many reasons. Importantly, we have to make sure that we can help everyone equally. Also, as much as we wish we can help everyone, we can only support the number of people that the amount of our supplies allows us to.